Monday, November 14, 2011

There's a reason the Primas are so into themselves...

These past few weeks have been full of revelations. Revelations dealing with my alignment, my body, what has to be done, and what, as of yet cannot physically be done. It has been a humbling experience, which oldy enough, has driven me to dance proudly and declare in with power, that I'm learning. And I can't be expected to do much else but train my hardest and learn my fastest, and of course, never forget to dance things. Getting into that mindset that ballet is a DANCE class, not just a technique class, has helped me bounds. Finding my inner diva, ( a humble diva) has helped my balance, my alignment, and of course, to remember, if all else fails, dance it. At least go out with a bang instead of a ppft. I am one of many dancers who get anxious and let a combination go to bits after the first mistake, trying to make ourselves smaller by withdrawing into ourselves and screaming in our heads " please don't pay attention to me!" It's not helpful, and quite frankly, it's a disservice to myself. I'd rather be bold and wrong and trying, than to give up and pysche myself out.

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