The energy from Jessica, Michael, and all of my fellow colleagues is inspirational and uplifting. I can feel the entire room willing to work each and everyday. I know we are all exhausted and tired most of the time, so the positive attitudes in class help me stay energetic. The teaching source is encouraging and highly energized. Finally, the musician always is willing to accompany us in our dancing to make us as dancers reach our full potential. The respect and honor we give to our fellow dancers, instructor, and musicians is what makes me love this class so much.
I can leave class feeling positive about the way I performed. No matter the mistakes I am making, I feel that I take something from each and every class. I have found a new love for ballet. It is such a difficult art form. Many people find ballet boring and stressful. For me this stereotype is lifted when I attend ballet class here at OSU.
I want to take this blog to let everyone know how much I appreciate you all. You guys make me want to work to my fullest potential, want to come to class everyday, and want to fulfill my goals in life and on stage. I want to thank the staff at OSU as well for being encouraging and helpful. They cater to dancer's wants and needs as individual people rather than a mass population.
Thanks so much everyone for making this ballet class the best it can be!
Aimee Heslop