Monday, November 14, 2011

Great Dancers

There is something about watching someone who is a great dancer move. I will define what constitues a "great dancer" of course this is my opinion. One who embodies the movement he or she has been given to the degree where one would think the movement was choroegraphed solely for them. One who has stage presence the audience can not but help watch them... from their being exudes a magnet of sorts that draws others eyes to them. One who has the strength, stamnia, and flexiblity to make anything that they do seem other worldly. So... I just describe Barishnokov, he is great dancer. Some of the things I used to describe what a great dancer is, are innate, meaning that they come from the inside and cannot be taught. Stage presence can only be taught to a degree and ones ability to embody movement truly can only be taught to a degree. In other words, can some be trained enough to be the next Barishnokov? I don't think its possible.

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