When I think back to my old studio and my former teachers, I wonder if I had been lazy compared to today. Would I be better now if I had worked this hard then? Of course I would be. Maybe I needed other teachers using different analogies, and awesome Michael freaking Wall on piano and whatever the hell else he's playing to get myself in gear. (Shout out to all you amazing musicians- it's a blessing to have you all in class.) I know how hard I'm capable of working now, because Jessica pushed me there. That's something that will stick with me for the rest of my dancing career.
I love that in class Jessica tells us to go farther than we think we can, to keep reaching for that something extra. I've found this to be especially helpful, and it's something that I think about a lot now even in other technique classes. Whenever she says it, it reminds me of a quote that I like to refer to on the days where I feel defeated, or feel like I can't try any harder:
"Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more." -Edward H. Harriman
Thanks for kicking me in the ass Jessica, I needed it.
I feel ya girl! I think this is the hardest I've working in ballet too. After each combo I am dripping with sweat and breathing like I've run a marathon. After every class I want to collapse because my muscles were working so hard for the entire class. But compaired to the beginning of the quarter I feel so much stronger as a dancer which I know has to do with this ballet class and Abby's modern.