Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pelvis, Standing Leg , Ribcage, and So much more

Alignment and Placement are obviously one of the most important foundations of ballet. Without striving to have correct alignment is like building on sand better yet...quick sand. You can get all of the embellishments and artistry of the house(aka ballet) but without a solid foundation your sinking ...quickly.

Aiming for better Alignment is a constant work in progress and requires what I used to think of as an "impossible" awareness of your body( my view on that has changed:)). I find it very valuable to have classes like this that really challenge me to be aligned through exercises that seem like " Omg! I know how to flippin plie!" (just being real). However, classes like this help retrain the body from bad habits that we have developed because we didn't take the time to WORK and truly think about placement through the slow ,and sometimes tedious exercises. I'll be honest I've done many a class filled with exciting and ostentatious combinations slouched in my hips, with a displaced pelvis and my own definition of rotation(not pretty). That says so much about the need to master alignment because without it when we get to the other stuff... well you get the picture.Also, without the proper placement we just make it harder on ourselves to accomplish the task . Therefore, with those thoughts in mind I encourage you guys and myself to keep on fighting to keep that pelvis right and tight(not literally) , even when you feel like your failing at life ,and pretty soon we will be able to dance as big, and awesome as we always dreamed.


  1. Tyisha, I was the same way! All up until I came to OSU I never really paid attention to my alignment and just did the exciting and "ostentatious" combinations with out even giving it a second thought. This is why I love OSU so much because it is classes like this that is forcing me to think about my body in new ways every day!

  2. I love your analogy in the beginning! It's is so true! I am also so thankful to have teachers that are working with me to break the bad habits and only move forward with proper technique. It makes so much more sense, and when properly aligned, the combinations that seemed impossible before are becoming doable because we know which muscles to use.


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